Monday, April 1, 2013

Well I haven't even been back for a week yet, and I already I want to go back!
I miss it! I guess the more and more I think about I realize how much I enjoyed the trip, and that it was the trip of a lifetime. I would turn right around and go back in a heartbeat! It was wonderful,
life-changing experience in ways that I haven't figured out how to express yet. But I can tell you that one of the biggest things I got out of this journey was having a much bigger sense of pride in where I am from!

I started the trip out feeling very uncomfortable in my home city, Kolkata, but as the trip went on and the day arrived to leave Kolkata, I didn't want to leave. It really felt like home. Now as I'm back in the States I wonder now, after experiencing what I experienced, how much I consider America my home anymore. I would seriously consider living there, but then I hesitate and think, "Would I really leave all this behind?" 

It breaks my heart to feel like I want to leave everything that my parents gave me, but my heart is screaming "Take me home!" 

1 comment:

  1. Just remember, love and pride in the country you were born in does not need to take away from your love of where you have lived all of your life that you can remember. Also, everyone in this country, except for Native Americans, came from somewhere else originally. That's what makes America unique. Remember, your Vanaisa has never lost the love of his birth country, and still has as much love for his new home. It's not the same exactly, but I have those mixed love feelings when I visit the country where he was born.
