Today, as my family and I were driving home from ice cream I heard a honk come from a car at a busy intersection. This automatically flashed my mind back to the streets of India, where there is honking everywhere. It is inescapable!
To me, it is a sound that brings me joy and a smile. It reminds me of home! When my Dad and I were there, it is the sound you would hear late at night as you were falling asleep, and it would be the sound you would hear when you awoke. I always thought of it as
"The India Reveille" -- but more pleasant.
I think it's funny that this moment in the day sparked a memory that would most likely have been forgotten by now. But apparently not! This is one of those comforting sounds I look forward to hearing again when I go back, don't ask me why, I just do!
To me, it is a sound that brings me joy and a smile. It reminds me of home! When my Dad and I were there, it is the sound you would hear late at night as you were falling asleep, and it would be the sound you would hear when you awoke. I always thought of it as
"The India Reveille" -- but more pleasant.
I think it's funny that this moment in the day sparked a memory that would most likely have been forgotten by now. But apparently not! This is one of those comforting sounds I look forward to hearing again when I go back, don't ask me why, I just do!